Infuse more YOU in your brand with

in a Bottle

A four-phase experience for beauty and self-care brand owners who want to DIY personality-filled copy that attracts dream customers and sells out every drop.

I'm in, sis!

Hiring a professional copywriter is a luxury.
Good copy is not.

Good copy is essential to your business.
Get it without breaking the bank.

✔ You’re struggling to stand out in the beauty or self-care industry— everything you write feels the same as what EVERY OTHER BRAND is saying.

✔ Your copy is all over the place… your website and IG sound like different people wrote them— and neither really feels like YOU.

✔ You’re relying mostly on IG (or another social media platform) for marketing because your products are AMAZING, but your website... isn’t.

✔ You’ve invested in a designer for your site and it looks great! You get pretty good traffic, but browsers aren’t converting into buyers.

✔ You understand the value of an amazing copywriter, but your budget isn’t big enough to invest in one just yet.

So writing copy that gets your products the back-to-back sales they deserve can feel impossible.

You’re a business owner juggling a million other tasks and responsibilities.

You're not a copywriter

✸ Sounds like YOU and no one else

✸ Supercharges brand awareness with your target audience

✸ Elevates your website from just being a series of product pictures with ‘BUY’ buttons to a major marketing tool

✸ Perfectly complements your web design investment

✸ Transforms window shoppers into repeat customers

If Only You Could DIY Copy That...

Sounds out of reach? It’s not.

Brand in a Bottle
Can Get You There

Yesss..This Is Exactly What I Need!

Hey, girl hey! I’m Tiffanie and I pen personality-rich copy for luxe beauty and self-care brands just like yours. And when I say personality, I mean YOURS— not whatever is trendy or cute nowadays. If you don’t say it IRL, I don’t write it.

And that’s exactly what I want to help you do— write like you talk!

For whatever reason, a lot of us online entrepreneurs think we have to be someone else (or at least sound like someone else) for our products to sell. NOT TRUE.

OR we believe that the amazingness of our products will sell on its own without a real brand or any kind of message. Also, NOT TRUE.

You need and deserve an EXQUISITE brand that is uniquely you in every way.

All I’m here for is to show you how to amplify your personality and put it on the page in a way that pulls your dream customers in & their wallets out!

You’re probably wondering… Who is this so-called Brand Voice Genie anyway?

Your people are waiting for your voice, sis. Trust. 

Here’s how we make it happen…

Get ready to dig deep, right from the jump! In this phase, you will:

Uncover Your Magic Message

Explore your brand story and learn how to tell it in a way that humanizes your business and creates an emotional connection with your audience.

Get to the bottom of what exactly makes your products a must-have for your ideal customers.

Discover your brand’s central values and define 5 key messages that get your customers opening their virtual wallets over and over

You walk away with: Messaging unique to your brand and magnetic to your dream customers.

Phase 1

Write the most vital pages of your website in record-breaking time.

In this phase, you will:

Create Your High-Converting Website

Write an engaging home page that meets your customers where they are and joins the convo in their head around their most annoying beauty dilemma

Craft an about page that gives readers some light behind-the-scenes work while giving some heavy proof why your brand is the BEST one to solve their issue

Compose product descriptions that make choosing your brand over your competitors’ an easy and elevated experience

You walk away with: A hard-working website that pops with personality and sells while you sleep. You’ll be PROUD to direct potential customers to your site because it finally matches the dopeness of your products.


Reveal who your real dream customers really are and finally get clear on where your brand fits (and stands out!) in this crowded market.

In this phase, you will:

Stalk Your People (including the competition!)

Discover who your dream customers are, where to find them, and what problem they most need YOU to solve.

Realize why they’re NOT buying your products and how to authentically and successfully challenge those objections 

Conduct a professional-level analysis of 2-3 competitors— including a SWOT analysis, voice of competitor’s customers (VOCC) research, social media deep dive, and more.

You walk away with: A thorough analysis of both your dream customers and your fiercest competitors, so you can stand out, shine, and SELL. 

Phase 2

Breathe life into the words on the page so that your personality always shines through.

In this phase, you will

Bring Your Brand to Life

Shift from seeing your brand as a fixed, motionless entity to viewing it as a living, fluid body of work that fluctuates and changes as you grow

Infuse your personality into every word so your brand transforms from just another lash shop to your dream customer’s fave

Create captions and emails that grab your reader’s attention and swiftly move them through the buyer’s journey to conversion

You walk away with: A brand that feels more like a bestie to your dream customers. Any time you call (or drop a product), they’re picking up!

Phase 3

Click through to browse the process.

Here’s how we make it happen…

Phase One

Uncover Your Magic Message

Get ready to dig deep, right from the jump! In this phase, you will:

Uncover Your Magic Message

Explore your brand story and learn how to tell it in a way that humanizes your business and creates an emotional connection with your audience.

Get to the bottom of what exactly makes your products a must-have for your ideal customers.

Discover your brand’s central values and define 5 key messages that get your customers opening their virtual wallets over and over

You walk away with: Messaging unique to your brand and magnetic to your dream customers.

Phase 1

Reveal who your real dream customers really are and finally get clear on where your brand fits (and stands out!) in this crowded market.

In this phase, you will:

Stalk Your People (including the competition!)

Discover who your dream customers are, where to find them, and what problem they most need YOU to solve.

Realize why they’re NOT buying your products and how to authentically and successfully challenge those objections 

Conduct a professional-level analysis of 2-3 competitors— including a SWOT analysis, voice of competitor’s customers (VOCC) research, social media deep dive, and more.

You walk away with: A thorough analysis of both your dream customers and your fiercest competitors, so you can stand out, shine, and SELL. 

Phase 2

Breathe life into the words on the page so that your personality always shines through.

In this phase, you will

Bring Your Brand to Life

Shift from seeing your brand as a fixed, motionless entity to viewing it as a living, fluid body of work that fluctuates and changes as you grow

Infuse your personality into every word so your brand transforms from just another lash shop to your dream customer’s fave

Create captions and emails that grab your reader’s attention and swiftly move them through the buyer’s journey to conversion

You walk away with: A brand that feels more like a bestie to your dream customers. Any time you call (or drop a product), they’re picking up!

Phase 3

Write the most vital pages of your website in record-breaking time.

In this phase, you will:

Create Your High-Converting Website

Write an engaging home page that meets your customers where they are and joins the convo in their head around their most annoying beauty dilemma

Craft an about page that gives readers some light behind-the-scenes work while giving some heavy proof why your brand is the BEST one to solve their issue

Compose product descriptions that make choosing your brand over your competitors’ an easy and elevated experience

You walk away with: A hard-working website that pops with personality and sells while you sleep. You’ll be PROUD to direct potential customers to your site because it finally matches the dopeness of your products.

Phase 4

You’ll use my exclusive Brand in a Bottle  Framework to write like you’ve never written before.

Like wishes to a genie, there are three parts.

The best way to create an authentic brand that you (and others!) are obsessed with, is to start with YOU. 

You will explore your story, your ideas, your voice, your vision, and your WHY in detail.

You will learn how to infuse yourself into your brand seamlessly and tell a compelling brand story that your audience will love to hear and tell to others again and again!

The Science of You

This is where everyone else comes in. 

Your target audience. Your competitors. Your current, past, and future dream clients. 

You’ll get to know them all following my step-by-step guidance for conducting reliable research methods like review mining, competitor analysis, interviews, and surveys.

Then, you’ll use this data to craft key messaging that attracts your dream customers and start building a strategy that best aligns your vision with their goals.

Analysis + Strategy

Once all the research is done, it’s time for the FUN part— some zhuzhing.

Because people buy people (not products), making sure that your brand sounds and feels alive is the often-overlooked key to scaling faster and sustainably.

You will get all my BEST tips and guidance for writing in your brand voice— infusing personality and capturing your essence in words that jump off the page and snatch your dream clients’ edges.. and their coins.


Say Less. I’m In!

The A’s to your Q’s...

Brand in a Bottle™ is best suited for entrepreneurs launching a product-based self-care or beauty brand. It is great for brand new businesses or established businesses looking to rebrand (or target a new audience) on a limited budget.

Though this course was created primarily for product-based self-care and beauty businesses, there is still tons of value for service-based businesses. 

The only lesson in the course that you may not find useful is the one in Phase 4 that focuses on product description. Writing sales pages or descriptions for services is completely different, so you may want to find additional resources for writing that particular part of your site.

Brand in a Bottle™ can be completed at your own pace, so complete it all within a week, or take a couple of months if you need to.  

I recommend completing the course within 4-6 weeks to best retain all of the information and cumulatively build upon each module for the BEST results.

You will have unlimited access to this course. If you are VIP, you must schedule and use your 30-minute call AND submit your DIY copy for review within 90 days of purchase.

You will receive your welcome guide and access to Brand in a Bottle™ immediately upon purchase.

Post any questions you have to the private Brand in a Bottle™ Facebook group. I will respond within 2 business days unless otherwise noted— any vacation or other out-of-office days will be announced within the group.

If you are VIP, you can also ask questions via Voxer or during your 1:1 30-minute Zoom call.

The course is delivered through bite-sized videos (5 min or less) and easy to follow text to help you better retain the information. Even if you don’t make it all the way through, you’ll gain valuable info you can immediately put into action with EVERY lesson.

Hiring a professional copywriter is definitely the best option if you have the budget to do so. But hiring a great copywriter is expensive.

This course is designed to help business owners that don’t have the budget to outsource copy yet get as close to professional-level copy as possible at a fraction of the cost.

Learning to properly write your own copy is a valuable skill and will get you better results than hiring an inexperienced, lackluster (AKA: cheap) copywriter.

You can submit your Home page, About page, and up to 15 product descriptions within 90 days of your purchase of Brand in a Bottle™ VIP.

You can submit your web copy for review within 90 days of your purchase of Brand in a Bottle™ VIP.

Unfortunately, there are no refunds for digital products.

You can use your one-time 15% discount on any of my copy services within 1 year of your purchase of Brand in a Bottle™.  


4-Phase Brand in a Bottle™ Course

Unlimited access to Exclusive FB Group

15% discount on a custom CopyFoxx copy service

Ready to step into your next level? Let’s go.

Choose Your Investment


4-Phase Brand in a Bottle™ Course
Unlimited access to Exclusive FB Group

1:1 30-minute Q&A session via Zoom

2 months of Private Voxer Support
Expert proofreading and editing of your DIY website copy

15% discount on a custom CopyFoxx copy service

Brand in a Bottle

Brand in a Bottle VIP

1 Payment of $157

1 Payment of $577
OR 3 Payments of $193



→ Brand In A Bottle™ was created specifically with you in mind. Other courses are generalized and watered-down for use in all industries. This is the only copy course out there created just for beauty and self-care businesses.

→ You’ll write your whole website with confidence that your words are calling in your dream customers instead of feeling like you’re just guessing what to say.

→ The step-by-step guidance in voice, personality, and messaging not only helps you write an amazing website, but also builds skills that carry over to other essential parts of your marketing— like social media captions and emails.

→ You get a comprehensive, industry-specific copy course and exclusive access to guidance from a professional copywriter at a fraction of the cost of hiring a quality copywriter to do everything for you.

→ Once the coins are rolling in and you CAN afford to hire a top-shelf copywriter (hello, ME 😘) you’ll have an amazing foundation for her (me) to build on for your future launches and website upgrades. We’ll spend less time on the basics and more time finding messaging to skyrocket your revenue!

5 Reasons Why You Should Choose Brand In A Bottle™ Over Other Copy Courses

If you’ve made it this far, you probably know that you really need what Brand in a Bottle™ has to offer.

You know that good copy should be a NON-NEGOTIABLE when building your site and it’s the missing piece in your current strategy (or lack thereof).

The loyal repeat customers, the sales, and the growth you’re dreaming of are all on the other side of GOOD COPY.

You’re finally ready to make your copy glow-up a priority and transform your beauty or self-care business into a real, living BRAND.

Still Thinking About It?

Your next level is waiting. You ready, sis?

Choose the Brand in a Bottle™ Experience that best serves you.

Brand in a Bottle™

Brand in a Bottle™ VIP

1 payment of $157

PIF for $577 OR 3 payments of $193