If your products aren’t selling in your sleep, there’s more money to be had.

Let’s get it.


Before I spill the tea, let’s talk about who these offers are for…

You’re a business owner who sells makeup, skincare, haircare, body care, or other self-care products.

Your products are top-tier and you’re ready to command the premium prices that align with the value.

You’re ready to make enough profit to fire your 9 to 5 and break free from trading time for money.

That’s you? Thought so! Let’s get into it..

Get the shiny, new words to match your shiny, new website. Premium design is wasted without premium copy.


Overhaul your existing website with fresh, refined messaging to ramp up conversions or target a new audience.

Web Copy

what's included:

In-depth market research and voice of customer data

A messaging guide defining your signature brand voice and personality

Four pages of research-backed copy optimized for conversion and enhanced organic search performance (SEO)

Up to 10 product descriptions

Personality-packed 404 error page to maintain brand consistency

Up to three rounds of revisions


Product Descriptions

Are you really going to let shoppers make it all the way to your product page only to hear crickets?

Don’t fumble the bag, sis. Finish strong with on-brand, persuasive copy that makes clicking ‘Add to Cart’ easy breezy.

what's included:

Market research and brand voice refinement

300-400 word personality-packed descriptions optimized for conversion

Search engine optimization

Up to two rounds of revisions

WRITE MY product descriptions

Alona Decade, musician and owner of Oakie Naturals

Tiffanie writes our email newsletter and our open, click, and engagement rates have increased tremendously! She helps me understand and deliver my brand voice in a way that I was not able to before.


Stop leaving money on the table. Two of the best chances for snagging conversions are when a prospect first joins your email list and right after leaving unpurchased items in their cart.

Stay unforgettable and collect the coins on autopilot with a customized Welcome Sequence or Abandoned Cart Sequence.

Welcome sequence

Voice of customer interviews or surveys

5-7 emails designed to convert subscribers into customers

Subject lines, preview lines, and sequencing/timing recommendations

Up to two rounds of revisions


Abandoned Cart Sequence

Voice of customer interviews or surveys

3 emails designed to remind your customer of that amazing thing and increase your orders by up to 69%

Subject lines, preview lines, and sequencing/timing recommendations

· Up to two rounds of revisions


Don’t see what you need?

Submit your details for exclusive pricing information.

Tell me all about your brand and the copy you need me to razzle-dazzle. I only accept projects for brands I am confident I can help get to the next level.

The Method to My Magic

I'm ready for my closeup

Apply to Work With Me

I will send all your onboarding materials, including any questionnaires or prep work, at least one week prior to your project start date.


Once you’ve completed your prep work, we will meet to get to know one another and discuss the details and goals of your project.

A Date at the Zoom Cafe

Research, writing, and revisions on repeat till it’s perfect.

Wizardry + Wordsmithery

Brand new copy in your inbox ready for immediate implementation.

Get ready to sell out your inventory, stack money, and be your only boss for good.

Hit me up if you need help writing that resignation email, sis.
